Collection: Anthology 2024 PREPARE AHEAD Classes

Welcome to the Prepare Ahead class in conjunction with the 2024 Anthology Workshop being held in Las Vegas, Nevada the first week of August.

As each of the six anthologies for this year come up, the writers attending the Anthology Workshop in person will get these classes to help them understand better what the editor is looking for.

This year, for the first time, we are opening up these to anyone interested in writing for the anthologies.

The classes will include a short Zoom interview with each editor about what they are looking for and not looking for in their anthology. Then there will be 10 or more videos about the genre and the subject and how to write for it.

The stories must be written in the same timeframe as those who are attending with the exact same deadline and word counts. The editors of each anthology will give you comments by email after the workshop, or possibly buy your story for their book.

These will all be WMG books and we will pay 6 cents per word. Details will be posted.

There are six anthologies, one story per week. As those in the in-person class, you can try to write for all six or just pick and choose. But those in class will be attempting to write all six.

We hope you join us. It will be great fun, even if you can’t make it to Vegas for the Anthology Workshop.Â